Thursday 14 May 2015

Netball main star awards

25th April : Trials we went to the netball courts and for a warm up we went up the stairs and stretched up there and them we did some other court work and then half court then straight on to the game I'm always shooting and I got 13 goals in we vsed kororo 

31st April: We just ran around the courts today and then stretched and then half court and then on we go. We won yay we vsed Karoro 

22nd May: We ran around the courts and then had passes and the in and out and a couple mor games and on we go we lost by 2 points it was 11 9 we vsed csc 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ella
    That's a really cool photo of the team in there new uniforms hope you had a great time there



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